GUIDE: Acquiring Wellbeing: A Guide to Better Solutions and Services


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Guides & Toolkits
Mental Health

There has been an exponential increase in the number of providers offering mental health and wellbeing services in the workplace, including programs, initiatives and digital solutions. Often the procurers of these services, be they Human Resources (HR), Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) or other passionate employees wanting to do the best for their employees, are often time poor and may not know what to ask to determine the quality and value of the services being offered. This short guide aims to take some of the work away by providing:

  • An overview of the importance of evidence-based wellbeing or mental health programs in the workplace
  • Questions you can ask providers about the programs or services they are offering
  • Factors to consider within your organisation when looking to implement and evaluate the program, service or initiative.
Acquiring Wellbeing: A Guide to Better Solutions and Services